Another Steller’s Jay. This one came down to the ground.Based on the white neck band, red eye ring, and beak color, it’s likely a Band-tailed Pigeon. I couldn’t see its entire body.A male Dark-eyed Junco. There is significant variation in body color depending on the habitat, to the point where they hardly seem like the same species. The pink beak and white outer tail feathers appear to be common traits.Although heavily cropped, I’m sharing this since it was a type of hummingbird other than Anna’s. It was likely a female Rufous Hummingbird.Moving through the bushes was a Wrentit. Its movements were indeed like those of a wren, but it seemed too large.Probably a male Wilson’s Warbler. The males have a black cap on their heads. You can see just a slight hint of black on its head.It took me about two hours to descend while taking photos. Suddenly, the trail ended.A pair of Acorn Woodpeckers. The tree was full of holes.It started getting a bit hot, and the birds became scarce. The return was a steady climb up the hill, marking the end of my exploration.