Laurelwood Park in San Mateo is located on the edge of a residential area, and the entire small hill is part of the park.
Near the entrance, it feels like a regular park, but trails extend from there to the top of the hill.A Steller’s Jay eating an acorn. The backlighting makes its beautiful blue hardly visible.It’s skillfully peeling the acorn.I wonder if birds can eat acorns without leaching out the tannins.Another blue bird, the California Scrub-Jay.The incline isn’t easy to see in the photo, but on many trails, there’s often a direct, steep route going straight up alongside the normal one with a gentler slope. Is everyone just too impatient?The view of the Bay Area from the top is wonderful.You can also see San Francisco. In the foreground, there are two planes landing at San Francisco Airport.Likely a Western Fence Lizard. It’s quite small. Fence Lizards often have a metallic blue belly.I saw a deer. Come to think of it, there was a day when a deer was sprinting through the residential streets in the morning.A Dark-eyed Junco, commonly found in the woods.