A flock of Long-billed Dowitchers. There may be some Short-billed Dowitchers mixed in, but judging by their flight, most seem to be Long-billed. I’ve given up on detailed identification within large groups.Scratching their necks in unison.A flock of Dunlins.A Willet walking in the shallows. I’d love to capture a shot of it spreading its wings beautifully.Canada Geese, which I hadn’t seen at Bair Island before, have arrived.Landing while scattering the smaller birds.Their wings spread collectively, creating an impressive sight.In city parks with lawns, Canada Geese are plentiful. While they’re somewhat disliked due to the large amounts of droppings they leave, their presence in the field is majestic.The waterside is bustling with activity.Black-necked Stilt.It has become a regular subject.American Avocets are especially common right now.A group landed nearby and began foraging.It’s truly wonderful to be able to observe shorebirds this closely every time in the neighborhood.Wrapping up with a scene of Long-billed Dowitchers, Black-necked Stilts, and American Avocets in a race-like composition.