ベイエリアのトレイル Purisima Creek Trail – Bay Area Trail

Between the San Francisco Bay Area and the outer coast of Half Moon Bay lies a mountainous and forested region with numerous trails. I decided to hike one of the routes leading from the coast into the mountains, the Purisima Creek Trail.

As expected from a “Creek Trail,” the path winds through dark, damp valleys. There were plenty of Banana Slugs—giant slugs reaching about 20 cm. Finding them always feels oddly exciting.
There wasn’t much bird activity, but the one species that made its presence known was the Pacific Wren.

After coming to the U.S., I purchased Kaufman as my field guide. I think it’s an excellent book, but for pinpoint bird identification, I use the Merlin Bird ID app. Its accuracy in suggesting species based on photos, observation date, and location is outstanding. This time, I tried using its real-time sound recognition feature, and it instantly identified a Pacific Wren from a faint call note. The ability to download the database for offline use is also incredibly convenient.

Another individual. Pacific Wrens were the only birds that were plentiful.
A Wrentit also appeared. It moves similarly to the Pacific Wren, but it is considered the only species in the Sylviidae under the genus Chamaea, making it a somewhat unique species in terms of classification.

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