

NARAKI Yusuke  |  楢木 祐介

Working in research and development for a chemical manufacturer for many years. Lived in an area that is perfect for factory enthusiasts, but all I can think about is escaping to nature. After working in Tokyo, my dream came true when I was transferred to the American West Coast, where vast natural landscapes awaited.

I want to discover surprises and beauty in everyday environments and ordinary scenes.

In recent years, I’ve been taking more photos of wild birds, and it feels like I’m halfway into birding activities. My ideal is “a masterpiece of a sparrow rather than a boring work of a rare bird.

On this site, I run gallery pages and a blog.
On Instagram, I mainly post bird photos, and on Flickr, I post landscapes and other general subjects. I sell photo materials on Getty Images.
If you are interested, please click the icon at the bottom of the page.