見島 その4 / Mishima Part 4

Continuation of Mishima Part 3

On the morning of a typhoon-like gale, a falcon was eating something as it flew by.

ハヤブサ / Peregrine Falcon
ハヤブサ / Peregrine Falcon

This is another individual with narrow wing stripes.

ハヤブサ / Peregrine Falcon
ハヤブサ / Peregrine Falcon

It was really a moment, so it’s a terrible photo, but could it be an eurasian sparrowhawk?

ハイタカ? / Eurasian Sparrowhawk?
ハイタカ? / Eurasian Sparrowhawk?

Even the crow has a different atmosphere when it is in the forest.

ハシブトガラス / Large-billed Crow
ハシブトガラス / Large-billed Crow

Grey-spotted flycatcher.

エゾビタキ / Grey-spotted Flycatcher
エゾビタキ / Grey-spotted Flycatcher

Dark-sided flycatcher with its dark lore.

サメビタキ / Dark-sided Flycatcher
サメビタキ / Dark-sided Flycatcher

Asian brown flycatcher with its white lore.

コサメビタキ / Asian Brown Flycatcher
コサメビタキ / Asian Brown Flycatcher

This is another tristram’s bunting that I learned about from Google Lens. It looks like a female.
It seems to be very rare.

シロハラホオジロ / Tristram's Bunting
シロハラホオジロ / Tristram’s Bunting

There was a pacific golden plover. There were many birds that I had never seen before, so I learned a lot this time.

ムナグロ / Pacific Golden Plover
ムナグロ / Pacific Golden Plover

I thought it was a black-crowned night heron, but it turned out to be a striated heron because of its yellow eyes. The feathers on the upper surface have a clear outline.

ササゴイ / Striated Heron
ササゴイ / Striated Heron

I also saw a few cattle egrets.

アマサギ / Cattle Egret
アマサギ / Cattle Egret

I crawled on the ground to take a picture of an olive-backed pipit, and the spotlight shone on it nicely.

ビンズイ / Olive-backed Pipit
ビンズイ / Olive-backed Pipit

Osprey carrying today’s dinner.

ミサゴ / Osprey
ミサゴ / Osprey

It seemed satisfied.

ミサゴ / Osprey
ミサゴ / Osprey

That’s it for the photos of Mishima.

Perhaps it was because I started after the rain, but I was able to see more birds this time than ever before. If the conditions were better, I might have seen more, but for now, I think it was worth the trip.

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