ニシオジロビタキ / Red-breasted Flycatcher
I went to look for a Red-breasted Flycatcher, which was said to be visiting a certain area.
I must have walked around for an hour or two. Finally, it appeared in a corner of an open park.
It was easy to photograph because it was not afraid of people and liked to be near the tips of branches.
I was able to enjoy the scene as much as I could with the seven or so people who had gathered there.
Staring at a winged insect?
I guess they like flying insects because they are flycatchers, but unfortunately I could not see them feeding on them. Also, they have winter wings, so they have no red breast. This is a graceful appearance, if so.
The pinned tail feathers are distinctive.
I was able to get a very close-up shot of the Japanese White-eye.
Nearby was a pine forest, and there were many Large-billed Crows.
I think it must have been a juvenile bird, because its face looks like a child’s.