ハジロカイツブリとミミカイツブリ / Black-necked Grebe and Horned Grebe
This is a shot of part of a flock of Black-necked Grebe. I did not realize until Mr. S., who accompanied me, told me that there was one different one.

Here are Black-necked Grebes.

The rightmost one is a Horned Brebe. There is no brown area below the eyes, and the tips of the eyes are whitish. According to the book, the area between the eyes and the bill is red, but I cannot distinguish that much.
This kind of mixed grouping is common among birds. I wonder if they don’t notice it. I think so, but if they have never seen themselves in a mirror, they would not know that their surroundings are different from their own. If they act together and feel no discomfort, they must be like, “Oh, well.”

There were also Tufted Ducks.

A flock of Bean Goose returned from foraging.