Dumbarton Bridge Vista Point and Trail その2 / Part 2

Continuing from Part 1

Other birds besides the Terns. Many of them resemble familiar birds in Japan, but there are subtle differences. They all have proper Japanese names attached.

It’s not a Great Cormorant carrying nesting material, as one might think at first.
ミミヒメウ / Double-crested Cormorant
It’s not a Great Crested Grebe, either.
クラークカイツブリ / Clark’s Grebe
It’s not a Little Egret… Instead, it’s a Snowy Egret, with remarkably bright yellow for its kind. They’re found all over North and South America.
ユキコサギ / Snowy Egret
This is clearly a duck I’ve never seen before.
アカオタテガモのオス / Ruddy Duck male
Since the airport is nearby, privately owned planes seem to be flying in regularly. There are many wealthy people around here, after all…
Seagulls hunting alongside the terns.
クロワカモメ / Ring-billed Gull
Not a Black-winged stilt, but a Black-necked stilt.
クロエリセイタカシギ / Black-necked Stilt
Although it was quite distant, a Northern Mockingbird emerged from the thicket. True to its name, it seems to mimic the calls of other birds.
マネシツグミ / Northern Mockingbird
Canada Geese are ubiquitous in city parks and elsewhere. There is a lot of droppings on the grass. It seems to be breeding season now, and you can also see them with their chicks. Some people find them annoying, but geese seem to be enjoying their freedom because they are protected.
カナダガン / Canada Goose
Unfortunately, it didn’t raise its head for me.
アメリカソリハシセイタカシギ / American Avocet
The beautiful red-faced male House Finch, as indicated by its English name, is a common species that can be found relatively anywhere. It is closely related to Rosefinch in Japan (which I have never seen).
It’s common to see them often in pairs like this.
メキシコマシコ / House Finch
The Marbled Godwit, characterized by its distinctive two-toned bill.
アメリカオオソリハシシギ / Marbled Godwit
A flock estimated to exceed two thousand birds zoomed past at super speed, heading towards the sandbar. Upon identification, it was found that the majority of these were Long-billed Dowitchers, but some Short-billed Dowitchers were mixed in as well.
Identification in the field is extremely difficult, so until you get used to it, the only option is to confirm with photos. After studying, I’ve discovered some promising identification points. Short-billed Dowitchers have spots densely covering up to the wing’s base (similar to a human’s armpit area).
アメリカオオハシシギ / Short-billed Dowitcher
On the contrary, Long-billed Dowitchers lack spots in this area and appear whitish. However, as you can see, the English name refers to the length of the bill, but it’s not reliable for identification.
オオハシシギ / Long-billed Dowitcher
The Savannah Sparrow, also recorded as a vagrant bird in Japan.
サバンナシトド / Savannah Sparrow
This is indeed a typical Barn Swallow, but in America, the type with a red belly is common. In Japan, it’s called the subspecies “Akahara-Tsubame (red belly swallow),” so I’ll make sure to distinguish it that way in Japanese name.
アカハラツバメ / Barn Swallow
I feel like the English name “Cliff Swallow” better represents its ecology, as it builds nests under bridges and similar structures, much like the House Martin.
サンショクツバメ / Cliff Swallow
Finally, the impressive black-and-white pattern on its spread wings characterizes the Willet. It’s reminiscent of a Stork.
ハジロオオシギ / Willet

It’s turned out to be quite a lot. Truly a new frontier for me, with all 23 species, including those not mentioned, being first-time sightings and captures. Many of them will likely become familiar sights soon, but I want to savor this excitement for now.

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