朝焼け / Morning glow

Since the beginning of the year, I have not been able to go out to shoot much because I have had a lot of personal matters to attend to. Let’s try my best to get out before dawn once in a while.

堤防脇の道路の向こうから朝日が登る様子を超望遠レンズで捉える。全体がオレンジに染まる。A super-telephoto lens captures the morning sun rising over the road by the bank. The entire area is tinted orange.
The sun was just rising from an exquisite position when I came looking for Pallas’s Reed Bunting. This landscape was unexpectedly captured with a super-telephoto lens.

A bird that appears to be a Pallas’s Reed Bunting is spotted in the distance. The lower bill is flesh-colored.

シベリアジュリン Pallas's Reed Bunting
I persisted, but they didn’t come out close. Let’s try again.
朝日に照らされる堤防の上のミサゴ An Osprey on the bank in the morning sun
Osprey in the morning sun. I haven’t taken any pictures recently.
草に止まるメジロ A Japanese White-eye perching on grass
A Japanese White-eye when I’m stuck for something to photograph. I think I see them more often than sparrows.

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