寂地山 その1 / Mt. Jakuchi part 1
This was in June. I went to Mt. Jakuchi (Iwakuni City), the highest mountain in Yamaguchi Prefecture, to photograph birds. This is a rather long story, so I will divide it into two parts.
Fukatani Gorge as seen from Fukatani Bridge on the way to Jakuchi Mountain. It is quite deep in the mountains. This is said to be a good place to observe blue-and-white flycatcher in summer. However, the distance to the top of the trees was quite long, so it seemed unsuitable for photography.

It is a quaint bridge, but the parapets are low and the fence is double-layered.
When a dump truck goes by, it sways and shakes.

I walked up the driveway as far as I could, and from the end of the road, I walked along the Jakuchi Mountain trail.
As it was early summer, I wanted to see the white-and-blue flycatchers the most. Unfortunately, I couldn’t get a good shot with good light conditions, and the colors turned out to be dull. I corrected and cropped the photo to show the evidence.

I try to look up the names of things I take pictures of and post on my blog as much as possible to learn about them.
Even so, the identification of mushrooms is very difficult. Looking at mushroom books only makes me lose confidence, and if I were to go mushroom hunting, I think I would die from eating poisonous mushrooms.

No one was walking in the mountains due to the voluntary restraint on going out due to the coronavirus.
Although it was a weekday, I met only one person that day.
The weather was fresh and sunny, perfect for hiking in the mountains.

Continue to Part 2