水路のダイサギ / Great Egret in a waterway

I saw a Great Egret (a. a. modesta) in the distance of an agricultural canal. It was engrossed in searching for its prey and was not paying much attention to me. I sat on the edge of the canal and hid behind a camouflage net, and it came closer.

ダイサギ great egret
Nikon D500 + AF-S NIKKOR 500mm f/5.6E PF ED VR

It was moving toward me, so I anticipated where it would stick its beak and prepared for the opportunity by placing the focus ahead. It poked its head out in a good position.

ダイサギ great egret
ダイサギ great egret

Got a fish. It’s not a place that seems to hold very big fish.

ダイサギ great egret

It paced back and forth, looking for its prey, but not catching much.

ダイサギ great egret

Another chance to get a closer shot.

ダイサギ great egret
ダイサギ great egret

It got its prey together with the water plants. It was even smaller than before, and this would not fill its stomach.

ダイサギ great egret

<<KK An extra reflection photo. It may look like a fish, but it’s more like an arthropod like a wharf roach, isn’t it?

Nikon D750 + AF-S NIKKOR 500mm f/5.6E PF ED VR

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