カモの季節 / Season of ducks

Autumn is deepening. In the lowlands, there are not even autumn leaves yet, but the number of ducks is increasing.

稲刈り後の田んぼの風景 landscape of rice field after harvesting

A flock gathered in the river. A mixture of various kinds of ducks. Northern Pintails, Mallards, Eurasian Wigeons, and Baikal Teals.

いろんなカモの群れ / Flock of various ducks
いろんなカモの群れ / Flock of various ducks

A utility pole and sparrows.

スズメ / Sparrows
スズメ / Sparrows

A sparrow on a utility pole.

スズメ / Sparrow
スズメ / Sparrow

On that day, I went birding with Mr. S. who approached me at a certain park. I soon found out that he was a veteran birder with a wide range of knowledge, and he was very friendly and taught me many things. I met up with Mr. S many times in the days to come, and thankfully, he added me as a fellow birder.
I went to see a flock of Baikal Teals at that time. They flew very close to me. There was also a Northern Pintail in the group.

トモエガモ / Baikal Teals
トモエガモ / Baikal Teals

On the way back to home, I saw a large group of cormorants at the mouth of the river. It seemed to be what is known as “cormorant fishing. Unfortunately, the sight of them on the water was not very picturesque.

カワウ / Great Cormorants
カワウ / Great Cormorants

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