ルリビタキ再会? / Red-flanked Bluetail meeting again?
Last year, I met a Red-flanked Bluetail male that was very familiar with people. I went looking for it to see if it might have come back, and I found an individual that looked like it.
The place where it appears is the same as last year, and the fact that it is not very afraid of people is also the same. This must be that guy from last year.
By the way, the two pictures below are what it looked like about a year ago. The black and white between the eyes and beak looks very similar. The growth condition is also consistent if we see that overall, the grayish coloration is decreasing this year and the blue is becoming more vivid. It is said that it takes three years for this bird to turn bright blue, so last year was its first winter, and this is its second winter.