ハヤブサの狩り / Falcon hunting

A person I met at a place where I often go to take pictures told me about a falcon observation point, so I started taking pictures of them from time to time. They seem to have built a nest at the top of a bridge pylon, and I can see a pair of them.

After the prey has escaped, it returns to its partner waiting in the tower.

ハヤブサのつがい / A pair of falcons

A falcon chasing after a dove. Birds have no expression, but the face of the dove looks like it is grimacing in fear when it is stared at. Fortunately, this dove escaped.

ドバトに接近するハヤブサ / Falcon approaching a pigeon

Perhaps it was because this was falcon territory, but the birds living in the area seem very cautious. The starlings were hiding under the bridge, taking turns flying low between the grasses.

飛行するムクドリ / A flying white cheeked starling
飛行するムクドリ / A flying white cheeked starling

The ospreys don’t care about that, and are leisurely searching for fish.

飛行するミサゴ / A flying osprey

A flock of brown-eared bulbuls flew around the area, looking quite alarmed, but they were finally attacked by falcons.

ハヤブサの攻撃を受けるヒヨドリの群れ / A flock of brown-eared bulbuls attacked by falcons

One of the mating birds catches its prey (lower right).

獲物を捕らえたハヤブサのつがい / A pair of falcons holding their prey
ヒヨドリを捕らえたハヤブサ / A falcon holding a brown-eared bulbul

A peregrine falcon gliding right above. It’s looking at me.

カメラを見下ろすハヤブサ / A falcon looking down the camera

In addition to flying things, there were insects. It seems to be a member of the carpenter bee family, but I haven’t identified the exact species yet. It looked quite large and flew with a loud buzzing of wings.

ハナアブの仲間 / A hoverfly

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