今度こそのサンカノゴイ / Eurasian Bittern, this time!

I went out to see the Eurasian Bittern, which are hard to see, hoping for the third time to be honest. I had observed it from a distance last year, but would like to see it closer if possible.

A Great Crested Grebe swims against the backdrop of autumn leaves reflected in the pond
カンムリカイツブリ / Great Crested Grebe | Nikon D500 + AF-S NIKKOR 500mm f/5.6E PF ED VR

This time, as I looked around, I saw one that had become part of the reeds.

An Eurasian Bittern stands at the edge of the reed beds surrounding the pond. It stands with its neck stretched at an angle.

It is a little far away, but the morning sun makes it stand out nicely.

An Eurasian Bittern standing by the pond. The whole area is tinted orange by the morning sun.
Cute dull eyes

I wondered if he had gone into the bushes when I took my eyes off him for a moment, but he disappeared. Too bad, I would have liked to watch him longer!

An Eurasian Bittern standing at the edge of the pond

I also managed to catch the last of it flying. I hope to be able to observe it from a better position next time.

A flying Eurasian Bittern

Apart from this, I saw numerous Black-face Buntings. They seemed to have migrated in clusters.

A Black-faced Bunting perches on a bush branch with autumn leaves in the background.
アオジ / Black-faced Bunting

I thought I saw a duck that looked very strange, but it was lying face down on the surface of the water and dying of exhaustion. I wondered how many ducks end their lives like this without being preyed upon, whether by illness or life span.

Floating on the surface of the water, an Eurasian Wigeon lay face down and gasped for breath.
力尽きたヒドリガモ / A dead Eurasian Wigeon

A Carrion Crow in a dignified image.

A Carrion Crow stands on the ground and looks back at me.
ハシボソガラス / Carrion Crow

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