クロサギ、ウミアイサほか / Pacific Reef Egret, Red-breasted Merganser, etc.

I came to Shimonoseki to look for Brown Booby and Oystercatcher, but the weather was unfavorable and I could not find any of the birds I was looking for. At any rate, I searched for something and found a Pacific Reef Egret. It seemed to be looking for food on the shore. I couldn’t get very close to it because it ran away from me.

磯で餌を探すクロサギ Pacific Reef Egret looking for food on the shore
Why do herons on land and rivers turn white while herons on the coast turn black? Very interesting to see if there is any evolutionary merit to this.

This heron is said to have a white type in the South East Islands area in Japan. It is pure white, just like the so-called egrets such as the Great Egret. I wondered if the black type had some advantage in gathering food along the coast, but I wondered if either type could be preferred.

青い水面を泳ぐウミアイサ A Red-breasted Merganser swimming in blue water
Shaggy-headed Red-breasted Merganser.
こちらを向いて大きく羽根を広げるウミアイサ A Red-breasted Merganser spreading its wing wide toward us
It turns toward me and flaps its wings with a flutter.

A group of Common Greenshanks looking at me with only their eyes.

ブロックの上で休むアオアシシギのグループ Group of Common Greenshank resting on a block
一本足で立つ2羽のアオアシシギ Two Common Greenshanks standing on one leg
A style that rests on one leg like a flamingo.

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